Email AI Assistant

Imageway Email Hosting Service Partnership Add-on

A.I. for email

Through our partnership with SaneBox, we offer an AI Assistant for your email accounts. SaneBox identifies important messages, hides distractions, has Do Not Disturb, banishes annoying senders, reminds you to follow-up and more… SaneBox’s powerful algorithms filter unimportant email out of your inbox, so you can focus on what matters. You can optionally turn on SanDigest, which sends you an email with a summary of your SaneFolders, used to quickly process emails: Train, Trash or Archive.

The SaneBox AI Assistant doesn’t send or receive your email, nor does it store any of your email on their systems. SaneBox has a strict security and data policy, to ensure legitimate and safe access to your email account.

It simply works with your current Imageway email hosting to ensure only important/relevant emails land in your inbox. When SaneBox identifies any email in your inbox it considers a distraction, it is filtered into your new @SaneLater folder. All the SaneBox Smart Folders start with an “@”, are accessible from IMAP, and serve different functions which are outlined in the chart below.

SaneBox explained in 72 seconds:

When you sign up for SaneBox AI Assistant, they establish a secure connection to the Imageway mail server so they can scan and monitor your inbox, looking at only the email headers and not the email content itself. The robots analyze your past interactions with your email to figure out what’s important to you. As email comes into your inbox, they determine its importance and request the server to move it to its appropriate smart folder location. All of your email never leaves the Imageway email hosting servers.

  • Get a FREE 14 day trial & $25 credit towards a subscription.

    No credit card required. Costs as low as 7¢ a day after trial.

  • Available Smart FoldersNo obligation. Cancel anytime.
  • @SaneLater: SaneBox will automatically move Inbox distractions to your @SaneLater folder.
  • @SaneBlackHole: Unsubscribe from annoying emails just by moving them to the @SaneBlackHole folder.
  • @SaneNoReplies: Track and get notified when someone doesn’t reply to your email.
  • @SaneNews: Further categorizes unimportant emails by grouping newsletters and mailing lists together.
  • @SanNotSpam: SaneBox scans you SPAM folder to look for emails that are not SPAM and were incorrectly identified. It moves this emails it finds into the @SanNotSpam folder.
  • @SaneCC: This is another filtering folder, or “folder you read”. It’s really simple. If you enable it, all emails in which you’re CC’ed will go here.
  • @SaneReminders: SaneReminders notify you when an email you sent wasn’t responded to by a certain time. It’s also an easy way to send a reminder to your future self.
  • @SaneDoNotDisturb: This will send new email to your @SanDoNotDisturb instead of your inbox if a condition is met. An example condition could be a time and date range.
  • @SaneAttachments: Move attachments into the cloud.
  • Snooze non-urgent emails
    Customize by time, day of the week, month, even year. Or, use the preset options like SaneNextWeek, SaneTomorrow and more…
  • Custom Do It Yourself Folders
    Folders named the way you want. You decide what emails belong in them. You can train SaneBox what should go into these custom named folders.
  • Make it Smarter
    Although SaneBox has impressive accuracy out of the box (and needs no training), you can make it even smarter by connecting to your social networks.
  • Security
    Your emails never leaves the Imageway servers. SaneBox never takes possession of them, and only analyzes headers to determine what’s important. Algorithms analyze the patterns in your email behavior (which emails you open, which emails you respond to, how quickly, etc) to determine what’s important to you. SaneBox never looks at the content of your emails. Your credentials are encrypted with proven public key cryptography, and placed on a server that’s unreachable by public Internet.
  • Current yearly pricing plans:
    Appetizer Plan (1 email account) for $24 per year
    Snack Plan (1 email account) for $59 per year
    Lunch Plan (2 email accounts) for $99 per year
    Dinner Plan (4 email accounts) for $299 per year

The Imageway email A.I. assistant feature is special because it provides you a way to gain back control of your email account by organizing everything for you automatically in an intelligent manner. This feature is a partner add-on service to our Email Hosting services. Click here to read about all the features of our Email Hosting service and to order.

Sign-up today to experience this feature for yourself. For general questions please contact us by one of the means available on our contact page, and a Imageway representative will contact you.

Imageway Digital Media is thankful to be given the opportunity to service your business needs, and will provide you with the highest quality service possible.

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